Collecting Seashells and Ocean Treasures A to Z
A children’s adventure guide to seashell collecting.

Written by Evan, my son, who is an avid shell collector. He wanted to write a book that was easy to read for kids to learn about the world of shells. He runs his own shell museum in the warm weather months in Columbus, OH bringing the treasures of the beach to the Midwest for all to see.
Discover the world of seashells in this shell collecting guide for kids! Written by a kid for kids!
Meet Artie the alphabet cone who is on his own journey home after a hurricane swept him out to sea. As a children’s shell collecting guide, Artie takes children on a shelling and ocean collecting adventure tour. Learn about an assortment of seashells and other beach finds that start with each letter of the alphabet.
This book is filled with fun facts, pictures and tips on becoming a seashell collector. Includes a full page shell guide and shelling log. Get your copy today!
Collecting Seashells and Beach Treasure A to Z
A children’s adventure guide to seashell collecting.