Hi everyone! My usual posts include food and travel but today I feel the need to tell you all about this DIY Dollar Tree Farmhouse Block Calendar I recently made. Take a look at the picture. Can you guess what 2 items I made it with before scrolling down?

I was inspired to make one after I saw the idea on a Dollar Tree craft Facebook group. I am one of those people who can look at a picture of a craft and think I can make that. I know some people can’t do that and need step by step instructions. So this is the reason I am writing this post. When I posted a finished photo on that Facebook group I was overwhelmed with comments and questions on how to make it. So here we are. You can certainly copy mine but I am writing this to help you get inspired to make it your own.
So did you guess what items I used?
You got it if you guesses Dollar Tree foam dice and mini Jenga game. Yes, I spent $2 for supplies plus glue, paint, carstock paper, Vinyl, twine and ribbon I had on hand. That’s it!
Supplies needed:
- Foam Dice set
- Mini Jenga game (35 pieces used)
- Elmers or wood glue
- Waiverly Chalk paint – Moss
- Waiverly Metallic paint- Pearl
- Matte Vinyl
- Transfer tape or clear contact paper
- Any kind of ribbon, twine, flower to decorate

How to step by step
I am going to try to explain how I make this step by step. Unfortunately I didn’t take picture but next time I will and update this blog post. The first thing to do is to paint your dice. I painted 2 coats of paint to be able to cover the dots with the chalk paint. Once dry I dry brushed the edges with the pearl paint until I liked the look of it. I love how it came out with the pearl paint. It was a nice change to the dingy look with black or dark paint but if you want to use that for that vintage look go ahead. Let dry.
Next build the base with the Jenga game blocks. I used 8 blocks across the top and bottom and 5 blocks up each side. Lay out the 4 sides and glue the blocks with Elmer’s or wood glue. Let dry. Once dry attached all four sides using glue to make a box and lay it on its side.

Meanwhile prepare the numbers on your cutting machine. I have a Cricut so that is what I used. The surface of the block are about 2 inches. So I made a square on my Cricut as a guide and created the number to make sure it fit with was about 1.5″. The font I used was A Child’s Year. You can certainly paint or draw them on if you don’t have a die cutting machine or purchase number stickers as long as they fit. A sharpie would work great. For the months you need 6 blocks front and back to put all 12 months on them. I used the same font but the size was .5 inches tall and no more than 1.75 inches wide. I used black matte vinyl but any color works!
I chose not to seal the blocks with anything. My paint did not scratch off at this point with the type of chalk paint I used and the blocks fit loose in the holds so they don’t scrape taking them in and out.
Number order matters!
There is a specific order that the numbers need to be placed on the blocks or it wont work. For block #1: 0 5,1,2,3,4. Die#2= 0,8, 1,2,6,7. It is important to look at the chart for placement. Are you wondering why you don’t see #9? You don’t need #9 you just flip the 6. It works I went through all the dates 1-31.

I found this diagram from the Tutorial for a different block calendar on Consumercraft.com. Follow this, its works!

Add you vinyl decals for the numbers and months using transfer tape to the blocks. I used the clear contact paper from the Dollar tree and it worked perfectly.

Once your box is glued together you need to add the center block. I didn’t see other do it but I like it for even spacing of the number blocks. You also need to add the 2 side blocks at the top to hold the month blocks.

Finally paint, stain and decorate your farmhouse block calendar. I chose to add a paper flower I made from my cricut along with dome greenery,burlap and twine.

I hope this was helpful. I can’t wait to see how yours turns out! If you like this craft you will also like my latest DIY Dollar Store Farmhouse sign so be sure to check it out.
I have some new , free and exciting things coming up so don’t forget to subscribe to my newsletter here so you get the latest DIY, Recipes and important information in your inbox!
Do you have a favorite Dollar Tree hack or craft? Let me know below
Thank you for sharing this. I have looked all over for the A Child’s Year Font and can’t seem to find it.
Your welcome. The font is available in Cricut Access but you can use any font you like.
What paint did you use on the wood blocks?
Just craft white/creaam color paint in the little bottles from the craft store. You can use any color you like. I did a colored glaze coat over them as well.
This is great however I seen in someone else’s YouTube channel they used balloons to cover dice. It works too. You cut off the neck of balloon and use 3 balloons per dice ( made marshmallow people ).
I love how the balloons turn out but over time the elastic will disintegrate, same with rubber bands.
This is a really helpful tutorial. Thank you for sharing this super cute diy.
This is freakin’ BRILLIANT-
Seriously, how did you come up with this???
I have always wanted one of these for my desk.
Well done!