Wow, I can’t believe its October! As much as I live the summer I love fall just as much. I live those brisk autumn days, nigh time bonfires, pumpkin picking and Halloween!

It’s the perfect time to read a new book! mine will be a sequel to Hocus Pocus, my favorite Halloween Movie!
Fall is also my favorite time to visit Walt Disney World. The Halloween party and parade is the best but we won’t be making this year. I look forward to decorating for Halloween Disney Style. The past few years we transform our dining room into Disney’s Haunted Mansion so stay tuned for decorating pictures.

I am also starting a challenge called the #last90days with Rachel Hollis. Sign up on her website, its free here. Check out the live video e everyday on her Facebook page Or Instagram. She keeps me motivated, maybe she will for you too. Today is day 1. It focus on making changes to make you a better you. First challenge is to give up one food item that is not good for you. So I am choosing Soda/Pop. So this morning I made a healthy smoothie and packed a healthy lunch. This is the 5 to Thrive challenge to do everyday.

I am guessing I am not the only one excited for Fall. Are you looking forward to October? What is your favorite thing about this time of year? Are you in for the 90 day challenge?