Fun at the Legoland Discovery Center!
We got a chance to preview the brand new Legoland Discover Center here in Columbus, Ohio at Easton Town Center on Sunday. It opens to the public this coming weekend. Having been to Legoland Florida theme park I wasn’t sure what this would be like but had high hopes. Get ready for some fun!
We arrived in the morning and stood in line to take care of our new Annual Passes we had purchased in August. With an Annual Pass you get some perks and just visiting 3 times a year pays for itself. The best perk is for any Lego lover is 20% off in the Lego store plus a discount of food in the cafe!
We were given a lanyard with an Activity pack you can use through out your visit. These came with our Annual Pass. There are stamps you can earn as you enter the different zones and are located on the walls in each area for each child to stamp themselves.
10 Themed Zones
There are 10 themed zones at the Legoland Discovery Center. When you first enter to experience the Lego Factory tour and although its not the real thing you can see how Lego’s are made and its somewhat interactive.

The first thing we did was ride Kingdom Quest ride. We really enjoyed this ride. If you are familiar with Disney’s Buzz Lightyear Space Ranger Spin in Walt Disney World its the same concept. It was fun and our family is always super competitive. I can see us riding it sever times per visit.
To experience more you go down the stairs/elevator to enter the rest of the themed zones. The first zone is Miniland. Its amazing and all replicated after famous landmarks and cities in Ohio. I don’t want to spoil it for you so here is a small glimpse but its pretty amazing!
From Duplo Farm, Merlin’s Apprentice ride, Lego City Play area, Lego Friend’s, Earthquake tables, Creative Workshop, Duplo City, Build and Test and finally the 4D movie there is something for everyone, even the big kids like dad. You can’t resist trying to build.

Tip: Make sure the kids wear socks for the Lego City play area. Socks are required but its ok if you forget like we did. You can purchase a pair in the cafe for $1!
Evan had a blast at all of the zones. The Creative Workshop was fun is at certain times throughout the day and there is a Lego builder who walks you through building a Lego set with close up camera’s on them so you can see it step by step and follow along. We build a BBQ grill.

A place for Parents
There is a Coffee Shop is situated in this play area so its nice to grab a cup of coffee, pastry or sandwich and let the kids have fun. They even have a Lego Box lunch you can purchase and the kids can take home a Lego Box for about $12. There are also tables at every building area locations that parents can sit and watch the kids build. That’s exactly what I did in the Build & Test Race area while not only my son but husband was building their cars. I can totally see mom meet up groups assembling here.

It was a fantastic time! We spend about 3 hours there but could have stayed longer. As you exit the area you can check for any fun pictures from the Kingdom Quest ride or fun pictures taken during your visit that are available to purchase.

My son has already decided he wants his next Birthday party here. Yes, they have party room with different package available. I suspect this will be very popular for birthdays from now on.
Finally of course your grand exit is to the huge Lego Store which had everything!
From the Disney Castle to even new Harry Potter Castle and sets! This is where the Annual Pass comes in handy because you get 20% off. Of course this is also the hardest part of the visit. Try getting your kids and dad out of the store after a day building Lego’s, they want everything! Brilliant marketing Legoland! They do have small packs of Lego’s for around $4 which will hopefully satisfy them until Christmas!
Visit and like my Facebook page to see a slide show with more pictures!
Do you have a Legoland Discover Center in your area? You can locate them here.