A Pokemon Birthday-Drive in movie style!
I am a year late in posting this but here goes! Every year I look forward to creating My son Evan’s birthday party. This year was no exception except Pokemon is not my thing but was his. He breaths and sleep Pokemon, for those who have boys I am sure you can relate! Even now that he is 7 it’s all video games, Pokemon and Minecraft! We decided to switch it up and make it a drive in movie /Pokemon party featuring Pokemon the movie! I like to be unique and think out of the box.

THE DECORATIONS: We turned the garage into the drive in movie theater! It was so cool! Plus we didn’t have to worry about if it rains. We have has some bad luck with rain since on party days since moving to OH. Ugh. We covered the garage with Dollar Tree black plastic tablecloths, some old fashion movie cut outs from Amazon and the table with some pokemon fabric from Joann Fabrics and the food table with of course Popcorn tablecloth. We set up the movie projector and screen we had to play the Feature Film Pokemon the Movie for the kids once the party got started. This was a great way to keep the kids in one place too and not running all over wild and crazy!
Yes I made all the cars! I ordered some large corrugated boxes from Amazon and colored duct tape and black paper plates for wheels from the Dollar Store. It was fairly inexpensive.
THE FAVORS: This is where I have fun searching for fun things to give the kids. First of all each child go to make their own name licence plate to hang on the back of their car when they arrived. ( it kept them busy waiting for the movie to start). Each child got to take home their car too!
The favors consisted of a Popcorn bucket filled with goodies including real movie theatre popcorn packets, M&M tubes, lollipops Soda pop bubbles, and pokemon balls.
THE FOOD: What is a move without Popcorn, hotdogs and candy? There you go, that was the menu. we had a popcorn machine continually making bowls of popcorn, hotdogs, candy, and cookies( made by a coworker of mine). Simple but what made it fun was the food trays that the kids could take to their cars before the movie started. So they could eat in their own car! No party tables needed. for the cake it was the first year I opted out not to make my own and went with cupcakes from Sam’s Club with Pokemon balls on top which I put on myself.
It was a blast of a party and one for books for sure!
So simple and inexpensive compared to those party places that we have all been to a zillion times. On that note, stay tuned for Evan’s 7th birthday party, speaking of party places, and I will show you how to make it extra special even at those party place where every party is the same.
Don’t forget to check out my other Birthday Party Planning posts.
Hi, any chance you remember the size of box you used?
I do not know the exact but we based it off what the kids would fit in and tested a box out first.