Do you love to go to thrift shops, antique stores, yard sales and flea markets in the summer? I do when I get a chance!

One my favorite shows is Flea Market Flip with Lara Spencer on HGTV. I hope want to visit Brimfield Antique Flea Market in MA someday, one the show frequents a lot! We have a couple here in Ohio I have on my list this summer.
As a teenager I wouldn’t be caught dead at any of these places. Who is with me here? Well I grew up and realized all the fun. I love that Evan, my 7yr old son, loves to go with me too, for now anyway. It’s the thrill of the find, the history behind each piece and the creative thinking that occurs in my head as to what it will look like in my house that I find appealing. There is just a rush of excitement when you find something you know is good! Sometimes you flip it and sometimes you don’t.
Furniture and kitchenware finds, like old bowls and pitchers, are my guilty pleasure. I love old furniture but I need a bigger house because of it. Maybe its because my great-grandfather from Italy and my grandfather were upholsters and have always restored beautiful pieces of furniture. It’s in the genes. I only wish I could do what they did.
As they say one mans trash is another mans treasure. Well, I found the what I consider the mother of all my thrift store finds this past spring. My antique vanity I have always wanted! How beautiful is this? For just under $100 I plan to fix this up and give it a make over. This one is a flipper! I still have to find a bench to go with it. It’s good news for for me because it gives me another reason to treasure hunting this summer!
Now , I recently posted my find on an antique Facebook page trying to find the history of it stating that I always wanted to chalk paint a vanity if I ever found one but now rethinking that. Well the near mention of paint and wood got people all fired up. I even got offers to buy it from me just so it wouldn’t paint it. Well sorry if I offended anyone here too , we all have different styles and ideas and that is what is so fun. It won’t be the end of the world if I paint it, it will have a new life ahead and we all deserve to enjoy our things the way we envision. I am not an antique dealer nor do I have plans to ever sell it.
Now,I thought about it a whole lot because people made me feel guilty for painting it. I even got a quote to restore it instead of paint because it would need some work. Well that was way out of my price range at nearly $800-$1100! So paint it is!
Since then I did change my mind from using chalk paint to painting it a pretty metalic champagne or silver color like this vanity I found online. I love this look!
I found this paint at our local hardware store. Champagne and silver. I bought samples and will test it out. I can’t wait to get started on the project and show you the final results so stay tuned.
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What color do you think I should paint it? Champagne, Silver or another color? Comment below.